Shoe String Living

Having a Creative and Fun Frugal Life

Prepping for the In-Laws, Part 2 January 10, 2010

Filed under: DIY,Guest Room,Home Decor,Organizing — trntm @ 4:35 am

The in-laws are coming for a visit which means the guest bedrooms that were formally home to my crafts and my cat, must now go into guest mode. We have four extra people coming and three spaces to prepare: guest bedroom/craft room; guest bedroom/cat room; living room (temporary sleeping quarters)

The craft room/guest room is the easiest to prepare.

Simply stash my projects away, re-make the bed (this isn’t the final look, my in-laws did get a comforter),

lean mirror against my work desk so desk can now serve as a vanity area,

add lamp and scented candle

add instant calendar art and add welcome baskets and towels. Done!

The cat’s room/guest room was harder. We had to move all of our baby’s toys to the laundry room and throughly vacuum and clean the room so that it was cat-hair free.

Add some instant art in the form of scrapbook paper,

fabric on the wall and calendar images,

lean a mirror against a wall and add a welcome basket. Done!

(ignore the kitty crap, this was phase one of the revamped room. Don’t worry, everything was washed and vacuumed beforehand.)

Living room, a bit harder. Add a large plastic tub full of bedding supplies. Cover plastic tub with extra pillows from sofa set. Stash tub in the corner. Done!

I wish I had a photo of the welcome baskets. Inside each basket was a personalized welcome note, towels, shower caps, soap (that I hand wrapped in gift wrap and added a little “welcome” tag), shower loofah, and some token gifts. For instance, my mother-in-law received a coloring book and crayons and two small puzzles to help her relax and my father in law received local magazines to browse through.


2 Responses to “Prepping for the In-Laws, Part 2”

  1. Laurel Says:

    my in-laws just left this morning after a long 7 days! Wish I had a seperate room for them to stay in – you make it look so easy!

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